Flowers & Gifts Delivery to Spain
Amazing 50 Colorful Rose Bouquet

Amazing 50 Colorful Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 15th Mar
USD 231.9
15% Off

Indulge in the beauty of the Amazing 50 Colorful Rose Bouquet that embodies love, appreciation, and celebration. With an array of assorted colors, each rose tells a story that’s waiting to be shared on special occasions. Be it a hallmark birthday, a golden anniversary, or a spontaneous act of kindness, these roses speak volumes. Each bloom is carefully nurtured and selected from the farm to ensure they arrive fresh and vibrant, sans intermediaries. Promote their longevity by refreshing their water and trimming their stems every few days. The luxurious display they create becomes a captivating focal point that fills any space with elegance and vibrancy. Make a thoughtful gesture that lingers in their memory by choosing this bouquet for your loved ones. Each delivery is meticulously prepared to preserve the stunning allure and freshness of these roses, making them an ideal expression of your heartfelt sentiments.

The gift consists of:
• Spectacular bouquet of 50 assorted mix color roses.

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