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Chocolate Motivation Bundle

Chocolate Motivation Bundle

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Earliest Delivery : 15th Mar
USD 64.9
48% Off

Transform the transition back to school into a celebration with our innovative and enticing Chocolate Motivation Bundle. Say goodbye to the school day blues with this comprehensive collection of creative chocolate surprises that blend education with sweet rewards. Each pack is filled with lovely designed chocolate items that mimic beloved school essentials. Tantalize taste buds with chocolate lollipops inscribed with encouraging messages, making pupils eager to tackle the school year. Delve into imaginative play with our chocolate crayons, ready for a new kind of drawing—one of flavors! Our delightful candy-erasers merge fun with function, offering a chewy delight. Chocolate rulers measure up as perfect snacks for the end of a study session. Our selection is capped off by a charming pouch of chocolate letters and numbers, perfect for spelling out sweet success. Intended for students needing a boost, alumni starting fresh, or teachers wanting to savor the journey, this bundle suits every educational palate. It’s a thoughtful way to mark significant academic milestones, appreciate hardworking mentors, or just enjoy a flavorful moment of school spirit. Remember, these are not just gifts—they are an experience marked by the finest cocoa-infused creativity.

This gift pack includes:
• 3 Lollipops With A Message
• 6 Candy-Erasers
• 2 Rules Of Chocolate
• 4 Chocolate Colored Wax Crayons
• 1 Bag Of Letters And Numbers Of Different Chocolates

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