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Paint Briefcase For Children

Paint Briefcase For Children

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Earliest Delivery : 15th Mar
USD 79.9
43% Off

The BRIEFCASE for children is a play set dedicated to make-up and drawing. The aluminum briefcase, 41 cm in height by 22 cm in width, has been designed exclusively for kids. Inside it contains a full make-up kit including a mirror, a brush, pencils, glitter nail polish and eye shadow. The product has been designed in order to turn the case into a real briefcase to carry all things necessary in a simple and light way. The box consists of : Aluminum briefcase with drawings. Contains mirror, brush, pencil, glitter nail polish, eye shadow, etc.

The box consists of :
•Aluminum briefcase with drawings.
•Contains mirror, brush, pencil, glitter nail polish, eye shadow, etc.

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