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Savory Sip and Snack Set

Savory Sip and Snack Set

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Earliest Delivery : 4th Apr
USD 234.9
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Our Savory Sip and Snack Set invites you on a culinary journey through the heartlands of Belgium and Spain. It begins with the toast of Gulden Draak Quadruple Belgian Beer paired with the light effervescence of Karmeliet's triple ale. Each taste step is a taste whisper of Europe's finest. Relish in the rich essence of Zamora's aged cheese, intuitively matched with a truffle-aged wedge from Julián Becerro, both begging to be discovered bite by bite. The tangy pineappleness nestled in El Hierro Malpaís' jam awakens deeper palatal pleasures. Leap into the coastal embrace with scallops dressed in Galician sauce from Conservas Cambados, harmonizing beautifully with ECO-marinade Galician mussels. Fresh goat cheese, with inflections of smoked pepper flakes from Finca La Barca, offers creamy contrasts. The culinary tapestry is stitched tighter with Iberian pâté featuring paprika and a flaky, bolted truffle pâté. Iberian ham slices illuminate the tradition, adding robust fragrance to this tasteful fiction. Encounter Gordal olives, finely herbed, and peel open the mystery with Agromar's alluring tuna-stuffed peppers. Every inch of this decorated tray speaks of gratitude to cultural mélanges, a love letter sealed with delicious whispers for your senses to embark from the comfort of your home.

This gift pack includes:
• Gulden Draak Quadruple Belgian Beer
• Karmeliet Belgian Triple Ale Beer
• Wedge Of Aged Cheese From Zamora 250 Grams Sansueña
• Aged Cheese Wedge With Truffle 350 Grams Julián Becerro
• Sliced ​​Iberian Ham Free Range 100 Grams Julián Becerro
• Pineapple Jam From El Hierro Malpaís
• Scallops In Galician Sauce Conservas Cambados
• Mussels From Galician Estuaries In Eco Marinade From Conservas Cambados
• Goat Cheese Cream With Smoked Pepper Flakes Finca La Barca
• Gordal Olives With Fine Herbs Finca La Barca
• Iberian Pâté With Paprika From Finca La Barca
• Boletus And Truffle Pate From Finca La Barca
• Tuna-Stuffed Peppers From Agromar Preserves
• Decorated Tray

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