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Radiate joy and spread sunshine with our Pleasant Yellow Roses Bouquet a collection of nature's finest blooms. This delightful bouquet consists of 18 premium yellow roses, celebrated for their vibrant color and uplifting fragrance. Complemented by sprigs of eucalyptus, the arrangement offers a touch of greenery and texture that enhances its visual appeal. Each stem measures approximately 50 cm, ensuring a grand and elegant presentation. Wrapped in sustainable kraft paper and secured with a lovely ribbon, this bouquet reflects beauty and care for the environment. Ideal for any occasion where you wish to bring joy and warmth, this bouquet is a perfect symbol of friendship and happiness. It's sure to leave a lasting impression and make any moment unforgettable. Let these beautiful roses express your feelings with grace and charm.
This is a gift of:
• Bouquet Of 18 Premium Yellow Roses and eucalyptus of approx. 50 cm.
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